This spring, I let some kale and rutabaga go to seed (fall planted, survived winter, harvested more in spring, then sprouted). They are related vegetables, so they both sprouted in the same way. The seed pods & seeds look exactly alike for both veggies.
I pulled the plants, put them in a box, labeled them so I'd know which was which, and stuffed them at the back of our garage.
It's time to make room for vehicles in our garage, so I enlisted the help of two little boys to harvest the seed from the pods!
We quickly found it easiest to put the entire dried-up plant into a bin and stomp it like grapes for wine-making. This broke open the seed pods and released the seed to the bottom of the bin.
And here is what happens when the pods are opened. Seed for next year's planting at our new farm!
Wow, that's so cool!