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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Day off at a beatiful State Park!

One of the greatest benefits of homeschooling is being able to set your own schedule!

After being cooped up all winter, the weather got so beautiful last week (before it snowed again, but hey, that's alright).  So when the temperatures hit 60 degrees, it was time to throw the books aside and take a family trip.

I've visited a nearby state park a few times, but neither my husband nor sons has ever been there.  What an awesome day!

White Pines Forest State Park is so beautiful.  If you live nearby, I really recommend it.  There is beautiful scenery, a wide variety of hiking trails, campgrounds, a lodge that has regular dinner theater, even cabins for the bug-haters out there.  :-)

Best of all, you get to drive through a creek.  In your car.  Or van, in our case.  It's called a ford (not the car, the waterway).  Everyone will love this.  Trust me.  How often do you get to legally drive through water?

Unfortunately, and I warned everyone ahead of time that this might happen (I may absolve myself of any guilt now), due to the spring thaw there was flooding and they had the road closed.  So no driving through the water this time.  We'll need to head back during the summer.


The trails were awesome, the views great.  We heard eagles and spotted a fox.  My oldest son brought his tracking book and we deciphered lots of animal tracks in mud near the creeks.

What a great day!  My husband and I got an especially great workout hiking, because the littles (our two youngest sons) tired easily and had to be carried on our shoulders for much of the hiking.

Talk about shin splints and aching calves the next day!  No treadmill, elliptical, spin or aerobics class can compare to a hard hiking trail.  Welcome, Spring!

Thanks for visiting the All-Natural-Mama blog, home to Wishful Acres Organic Garden!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful! What a great family adventure.


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