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Friday, January 22, 2010

My seeds have arrived!

Yes, there are an insane amount of seed packets covering this table!  I need to remind myself daily that my garden plot at the farm is growing this year, and that I really did need to order this many seeds!  I'm renting almost half an acre of farmland in 2010, and plan to sell produce at a local farmer's market as well as advertising for local pickup sales.  I'll also be selling hundreds of vegetable plants that will be started in my "greenhouse" (aka basement growing area).

This is promising to be an exciting, busy year and I'm trying not to become overwhelmed by all the seeds that are now gracing my office shelves.

Back to the packets.  I am so impressed with Baker Creek's seed packets.  They are just as artistic and unique as their catalog.  I love the black background with beautiful pictures.

The onion plants, potatoes, asparagus, and rhubarb plants will be shipped closer to spring, right at the correct planting time.  They can't be held very long before planting, so the seed companies send them to you at just the right time to plant.  Nice!

To all the fellow gardeners out there, have your seeds begun arriving yet?

Thanks for visiting the All-Natural-Mama Blog, home to Wishful Acres Organic Farm!


  1. Lol, I haven't even ORDERED mine yet!

    (Can I buy more seedlings from you this year?)

  2. You obviously have the "gift of grow", and what fun you will be having now that those seeds have arrived. I look forward to watching your posts for visuals on when those little seeds begin to sprout once you've put them in the soil. Sure wish I was closer so that I could get some of your little seedlings for my own gardens. My garden space is doubling in size this year as well, but I garden on a much smaller scale than you. Already, though, I do feel well prepared and look forward to when my feet no longer make those squishy sounds as I walk along the path between the raised beds in my garden.

    Happy growing!

  3. Happy planting. I still need to order some of my seeds. Have my tomatoes in, but should have bought some other varieties. There is always next year I guess. s

  4. I love the new blog lay-out.

    You are right that is an insane amount of seeds, but now that you have explained I see where you are coming from. I do hope you ahve a good growing season.

    I wish the seed packets in the U.K were as pretty as the ones you have. Oh how I envy.


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